
Bringing Health to Your Doorstep, Delivered Privately
Welcome to the Montgomery County Health Department's Public Health Store, your trusted resource for a wide range of essential products designed to promote health and well-being in our community. Explore our curated selection of items that support various health initiatives, from personal protective equipment (PPE) to educational materials and wellness products. Whether you're looking for health education resources or items to support emergency preparedness, we've got you covered. Browse our store to find high-quality products that align with our commitment to enhancing public health and safety. Join us in building a healthier future for Montgomery County together!
Health Department Store Items.
  • You can filter by the type of item or availability.
  • Items can take up to five days to ship. For questions or comments please use our feedback form!
  • Some items may vary from photo.
  • All items are free to residents of Montgomery County!